Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Somewhere over the ...

Like much of the state, we've had a lot of moisture so far this summer. Last week was spent in Price, so the last few days have been the first couple lazy summer days. We've had few scheduled events, so what I envisioned as being a lot of warm days spent at the park and going swimming has turned into trying to come up with rainy day activities inside. Monday night after the rain had stopped, the kids spotted a double rainbow that was pretty impressive.

Yesterday while getting the kids ready, Ali wanted two ponies in her hair. After I had finished, I had a conversation with Emma that went like this:
Emma: Do you know what she looks like?
Mom: No, what?
Emma: An elk.
Mom: A what?
Emma: An elk with two, teeny, tiny horns.
(Cute little elk at that:)

Then yesterday during our rainy day activities we decided to make elephant finger puppets. Those familiar with the Joy School songs may know the song, "One elephant went out to play, upon a bright and sunny day, she had such enormous fun that she called for an other elephant to come. Two elephants..." We had fun singing and putting on plays with our elephants.


Keenan and Brittani Atwood said...

What a beautiful rainbow! And, ok, I am seriously cracking up about your conversation with Emma about Ali looking like an elk with two "teeny tiny horns." So hilarious! Your finger puppets look like fun- I guess that's one good thing about rainy days- you have to get creative! :) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

WE saw a rainbow today too...Love them. The Elk story is so funny! Your such a great mom, with all kinds of fun things in your brain!

Oveson's said...

Nice rainbow shot that is cool!! Looks like a very fun day!!