Ha! I'm the first to post on the activities of Memorial Day weekend. Happy Birthday Dad!!! What a fun weekend, Thanks to everybody that was able to come out it sure was a blast. As with all our get-togethers at the cabin I managed to eat way to much and stay up way to late ever night. I can vouch for anybody else but I always manage to do this with every cabin "party". The new grill for the fire pit worked out perfect. I can see that getting some good use during future parties.
If anybody still has questions on how to get to the water tank Bently will be giving guided tours all summer long. All you need to do is drive the Yerf-Dog and he will show you how to get there. Here is a picture of our first trip.
Pictures of the weekend are up for viewing on ackerson.org
Mom's Final Wish: Timpanogos
5 months ago