Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day

We spent Thanksgiving at the cabin.

We had fun with table activities,

watching movies,


and of course eating.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On the Way

While driving to the cabin, we had to snap a picture of this big guy, who was hanging out along side the road. Pretty impressive.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Program

Emma has such a fabulous teacher this year! She is caring, kind, and seems to always go the extra mile. The kids put on a Thanksgiving Program with songs, skits, and even a line dance. It was adorable!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


The kids were so excited to discover the white world,

...especially Abby.
She was thrilled to go out and play with the big kids. When I was getting cold and finally made her come in, she burst into tears.

She had a hard time walking in the snow, but loved lying right down in it. She had fun walking around on the deck and would have probably tried jumping off the deck like the others had I not prevented that.

She was chewing on her zipper.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cold Turkey Run

While living in at the Cabin, we started the tradition of participating in the Cold Turkey Run held at the fitness center. We decided to try to continue the tradition this year. Bentley and Emma ran the 1 mile, Kim ran the 5K, and Tom was a good sport and pushed Ali and Abby in the one mile walk. It was a really cold morning, but we came away with two second place prizes, pumpkin pies, and one first place, a turkey, along with a sports bag, jacket, goggles, and a t-shirt.

Then we got to enjoy the spoils the next day for Sunday dinner. Bentley enjoyed his very own turkey-lurkey drumstick.