School started really late for us this year, and yet I still don't feel ready for it. We're now three days into it, and I'm in denial. It just feels like it should still be summer to me, but ready or not school is here. Bentley started second grade on Tuesday, and he seems to be enjoying it. His comment after the first day however was, "It was a really long day!"
Emma went in for her kindergarten assessment on Tuesday, but we don't find out who her teacher is until next Thursday, and then she doesn't start until Friday the 11th! I'm glad though, every once in a while I think about not sending her at all. I just don't know what I'll do without my Lou. It will be interesting to see how the arrival of our new baby plays out over the next week or so. I just have to keep telling myself to take it one day at a time and not get discouraged at my inability to accomplish all that I think I should have done by now. I am 39 weeks today! ...but who's counting right?