Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Point

We met up with some of Tom's high school friends at Thanksgiving Point's baby animal day. The kids had fun, for the most part. They even got to ride a pony. Em was "a little nervous" but did great; Bentley had a blast, and Ali didn't cry... the whole time... I hope.

After the fun with the animals, we kept up a long time tradition of going to Taco Bell and eating way too may tacos. I think it reminded us all that we're not as young as we used to be, and it made me realize how grown up Bentley is getting to be, being as he held his own in the eating competition.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


We have a wolf in the house!
He received his wolf badge and four arrow points. Nice job B!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

I love Easter! With Conference on the same weekend, it was wonderful. The kids actually listened to quite a bit of it this time, and I was able to hear the majority of it as well. The talks were amazing, and I can't wait to review and study them.

As for Easter celebrations, the Easter bunny managed to find us and fill the baskets as well as hide some plastic eggs. We didn't get a chance to color eggs until Easter evening. During the day we went to the cabin to eat Sunday dinner, enjoy the traditional chocolate fountain, listen to the afternoon session of Conference, and visit. We made it home in fairly good time, so we could color eggs and let Bentley finish his bird house



Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ecstatic about scouting

Bentley is such a self motivated kid. He has been so excited to earn his ranks in scouting, but with the cold weather of winter we've been at a standstill. It is kind of hard to pick up litter in the neighborhood when its covered with snow, and I refused to have an "outdoor meal" in the cold. Now that the snow is nearly all melted, we've been able to make some progress.
Also, after trying to decide what "useful" thing he could make we went with one of the kits they sell at the scout office.

I'll admit I don't always have such positive thoughts about the whole thing, but sometimes I get to see just what scouting is all about and what a great program it is to help these boys grow.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Wild Side

The kids didn't have school today, so we decided to visit some new places. We went to the People and Cultures Museum and the Bean Life Science Museum. I haven't been to either one, so it was fun to see some new things. I got the idea from the Cub Scout Pow Wow Book because there are patches that the boys can earn by visiting and completing the requirements at each place.

The kids were so excited as we were leaving, and even Abby did really well. Now that she's a little older I'm excited to get out and do more.

Both museums were interesting, but the Bean Museum was definitely the favorite. We'll be back for sure! And not just because the patch requires a minimum of two visits...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The rest of March - and - the Joke's on Me

In the month of March I took random pictures of the girls... going for a walk, playing with glasses, hangin' out with Dad, etc. Then on March 17, one of the kids' favorite days of the year, I couldn't find my camera... I knew I had had it recently (would find out later that recently was the day before), but on St. Patrick's Day we got zero pictures of the green attire, food and fun. A few weeks later I found the lost camera in the pocket of the baby sling I had used on the walk we took on the sixteenth. Oh well, what do you do?

I think Ali got a little of the idea of April Fool's Day... She asked if she could have a piece of chocolate. When I told her no, she said, "Fool's Day!" and then proceeded to open and eat it. This has now become a trend any time I tell her no.