Today was the long awaited day of the ultrasound. We told the kids that we'd be able to find out if it was a boy or girl, and they've been really excited. We had some definite opinions about which gender each preferred. Bentley was very set on our new little bundle being a bouncing baby boy, and Emma was sure it was a girl. Ali sided with Bentley, and honestly I was hoping to even out the numbers too.
Well, the
good news is that everything is looking good so far... brain, lips, abdomen, heart, spine, kidneys, stomach, bladder, femur... they just went right down the check list, and everything seemed to be fine.
Following the post title, we did have one little surprise which some apparently might think is a bad thing, but I'm totally fine with it. My doctor was a little surprised that I was happy about it. His comment was that most women are devastated with this news. The little surprise was that the baby measured two weeks behind what the original due date had said. That puts the baby due September 23 instead of the 10th! With the start of school and all we have going this summer, I couldn't be happier. (Unless we could just hold off until, hum, next spring? I'm joking; but really, sometimes I wonder if I'm ready to add another beautiful bundle of joy to the mix... Ready or not!...)
And last but not least... we did find out the gender! Emma has been informing us all afternoon in a sing song voice, "I was ri-ight. I was ri-ight!" That's right, we're going to have
Wow, three girls! To say that Bentley was disappointed would be an understatement. When we told him after school he litterally fell on the floor in a pile of tears. He continued his rants for the next 10? 15? 20? minutes while complaining about how angry he was. I tried to point out that its ok, because we'll love this baby girl, and now he'll still get to be my one and only little boy. After further discussion about how fun it is to have boy time to himself with Daddy, he finally changed his tune. He declaired later that he
was happy about having a girl. When I asked him why, he said it was because he wouldn't have to share his time with Daddy when they go to do boy things. Well, I don't know if not sharing was really the goal, but at least he's not so upset. Emma has really been excited. Now we just need to come up with a name. I've been mentally avoiding the very thought. I think nameing children is one of the hardest parts about having them, so I'd decided not to think about it until after we knew the gender. Well, now we know! Girl names... hum...