One of the girls' favorite games right now is 'visiting teacher'. They go out to the greenhouse and knock at the door. When I come to answer, its my cue to say, "Oh, It's my visiting teachers! Come on in! etc. etc." They never tire of it, and if I don't do my part quite right they are quick to remind me, "We're your visiting teachers!" ...and... I have been informed on more than one occasion that it is not OK to hug and kiss the visiting teachers as they come through the door:)
The kids played so cute all afternoon. As of late the girls are continually having their own 'testimony meetings' so today Bentley got to join in. It was really cute until they started getting a little too silly. They then turned to putting on plays. No worries that we didn't have costumes available, they're very resourceful as you can see.
It started to warm up a little last week, so I thought that hamburgers on the grill sounded good to put on the menu, but, man, was it cold today. Poor Tom was a trooper though and grilled them up anyway. Thanks, Hon.