Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sometimes you just have to paint wood

It may be 10:00 pm

The dinner dishes may not have been done

There may be folded laundry on the couch waiting to be put away

I may not have even put away all the items I purchased today

Maybe not all the children are asleep

There may be a million other things I should be doing with sleeping being on the top of the list

But... while shopping at Michael's, I found this cute box that is like one that my sister got as a gift, so I decided to get it and paint it for Bentley's room to hold his books. I really like how it turned out.

Because, hey,
sometimes you just have to paint wood!

Side note***
As I was in the kitchen painting and talking to Britta on the phone, Bentley came in, and we had this little conversation:
B: Britta was a bad influence on you.
Me: (Stated a little too quickly) No she wasn't... (then thinking for a second)... How?
B: She had one of those boxes, and then you wanted one too. You were jealous.
(A while ago we had a conversation about repentance or something that brought up the fact that even Mom makes mistakes sometimes, so he's been good to tell me when I mess up as of late. Dang it, I now wish we hadn't had that conversation, and he still thought I was perfect for at least a little bit longer. Anyway, so now that he pointed it out... Jealous? ...maybe I was.)

One more side note***
This is a project that I saw, bought, and completed in less than 12 hours! Now that very well may be a first.


Liz said...

nah! sometimes you need a little jealousy to get a little project done and feel like you've done something besides dishes in your day!!

Keenan and Brittani Atwood said...

It turned out so cute, Kim!! I love the color scheme you went with! That's so funny about Bentley- what a smart seven-year-old you have :). Except tell him that I am only ever a good influence on his Mom... right? Ok, maybe not. ;)

Oveson's said...

very cute I love it!! And yes sometimes you just need to paint wood!!

Anonymous said...

How funny that he totally called you out on that one!!! It did turn out adorable...way to go!

Nora Mair said...

Isn't that how things get done? Focusing all energy on one thing that's fun and not the routine. We're counting down the days for you.