Sunday, August 30, 2009


Wasatch just celebrated the opening of their new high school. They had an open house on Saturday with a bunch of fun activities, good food and we got to see one impressive building. With Tom's job the new building had been his second home this summer, so I got all the ins and outs of the building as we walked through. It made for a fun afternoon.
It has definitely been a while since the high school days, so you would think that I could move on, but as we were leaving I just couldn't bring myself to purchase a "spirit flag". I'm sure we'll support our new hometown team this year as I've always enjoyed watching high school athletics, but I just couldn't bring myself to fly the colors. There's still too much blue and white running through my blood (and my blue and white has nothing to do with cougars).

Birthday, Birthday and more Birthday

Emma's birthday was a week ago from yesterday. I'm a little late posting, but its not due to lack of celebration. The kids and I went to Price for a while, so we weren't home for Emma's birthday. She's really been wanting a princess party, so we decided to do a friend party the week before.

Then while in Price, Kenzi, Britt, Keenan and Camden had to leave on Friday, so we had another pre-birthday celebration.

And of course we had to celebrate on her day.

Emma is such a sweet heart and seemed to enjoy all the parties and excitement. I can't believe she's 5! Happy Birthday, Lou!

For... You know who you are:)

After a couple years of wanting to be able to decorate something... anything, it has been so fun to be able to! My only hang ups have been on the decision making... what should I do and where? And finding time to go shopping. Being 8+ months prego and shopping with three kids doesn't always make for the most enjoyable experience. However, one day I just couldn't help it anymore... with all three in tow I decided to start with a bathroom and to just go for it. I purchased about everything in one swoop. I rather like how it turned out, so now I just need to follow the advice I've received from more than just Tom. "Pace yourself"... I don't need to redecorate a whole house at once.

Night at the lake

Although, our trip to Price was primarily for work, we did manage to have some fun times too. We went to Huntington for a picnic and a ride on the lake. Thanks, Atwoods!

Hopefully sweet not rotten

Grandma's are supposed to spoil their grandkids right?

One of the highlights of visiting Grandma is going to get kiddie cones. However, over the course of our visit I came to find out that, at the children's request I'm sure, Grandma has upgraded to regular cones... I'm mean what Grandma can say no to those faces:) But do we really need a daily ice cream trip? Sure, who doesn't?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sometimes you just have to paint wood

It may be 10:00 pm

The dinner dishes may not have been done

There may be folded laundry on the couch waiting to be put away

I may not have even put away all the items I purchased today

Maybe not all the children are asleep

There may be a million other things I should be doing with sleeping being on the top of the list

But... while shopping at Michael's, I found this cute box that is like one that my sister got as a gift, so I decided to get it and paint it for Bentley's room to hold his books. I really like how it turned out.

Because, hey,
sometimes you just have to paint wood!

Side note***
As I was in the kitchen painting and talking to Britta on the phone, Bentley came in, and we had this little conversation:
B: Britta was a bad influence on you.
Me: (Stated a little too quickly) No she wasn't... (then thinking for a second)... How?
B: She had one of those boxes, and then you wanted one too. You were jealous.
(A while ago we had a conversation about repentance or something that brought up the fact that even Mom makes mistakes sometimes, so he's been good to tell me when I mess up as of late. Dang it, I now wish we hadn't had that conversation, and he still thought I was perfect for at least a little bit longer. Anyway, so now that he pointed it out... Jealous? ...maybe I was.)

One more side note***
This is a project that I saw, bought, and completed in less than 12 hours! Now that very well may be a first.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Update

I've neglected, put-off, avoided, haven't acknowledged (take your pick)... the pregnancy progress, but after a few requests I figured I'd better not put it off any more or I'll be posting about a new baby instead of the pregnancy. I'll be 36 weeks along tomorrow. Yesterday, at my appointment, which will now be weekly, everything was going well. I'd had an ultrasound two weeks previous because I'm measuring small, but baby is growing just fine, and I'm probably just measuring small because she's jammed in my back. Ok, maybe not, but at times if feels that way. She's still small overall but had grown two centimeters from the last visit. I had lost a pound, but that's pretty common towards the end I guess, so everything seems to be progressing nicely.
I think I've avoided blogging about this pregnancy because, to be honest, it's been a bit more difficult than the others. I don't want to complain because I could probably say that I have relatively easy pregnancies, but I'm definitely uncomfortable, and if I don't have something positive to post its easy to put it off. Still, whether its been the move or the heat of July... I'm ready to have this baby, but then again, a new born is a lot of work as well. Another issue is the whole naming business. As of yet, we haven't been able to agree/decide on a name.
The things I am excited about are meeting this sweet new baby girl, seeing what she looks like, feeling of her spirit, and being able to hold her in my arms. There really is nothing sweeter than holding a new baby. Four more weeks and we'll be doing just that, and I'm sure it will come faster than I'm ready for, but ready or not she's on her way!

*** Note about the picture above.
I had Tom take some pictures of the kids last night and will probably post some later. I had him snap a few of the belly as well, so there you go... picture at 35 1/2 weeks.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Second Annual

Ackerson Family Reunion

Friday night was spent at the cabin where we roasted hot dogs and smores and each family slept in a tent.

Saturday morning was spent at the Alpine Slide in Park City.

Then we checked out a place where some past reunions were held in Park City.
Bentley was excited to earn some quick cash by letting Uncle John dunk him upside down in the pool there. Bentley thought it was pretty cool, and I found it only "slightly disturbing";) In the end, he was probably lucky to get to cool off as it was a hot day.

Then we got to visit over lunch at the Park City park while the kids had fun playing.

Finally, we spent the afternoon swimming at the Fitness Center in Kamas. It was fun to see almost everyone and to let the cousins play together. Yeah for reunions!