Thursday, October 2, 2008

I was tagged...

1o years ago I...
1- Was starting my freshmen year at CEU.
2- Turned 18, and spent my birthday in Oregon with the volleyball team
3- Worked out 4-6 hours a day... volleyball, basketball, lifting, and running.
4- Was a member of Lambda Delta Sigma
5- Was in the same ward as my future husband, but didn't start dating until the next semester.

5 things on my "to do" list today...
1-Take treats to Bentley's class
2-Go to the library
3-Finish the book I'm reading (yeah, right)
4-Make breakfast, lunch, some homemade bread, and dinner
5- Take the kids swimming

5 Snacks that I enjoy...

1-Chips and salsa
2-Homemade bread with butter and honey (see above)
3-Chocolate chip cookies
4-Banana splits
5-Kellogg's fruit snacks

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...

1-Buy a house
2-Furnish and decorate that house
3-Put away money for the kid's college
4-Go on an amazing vacation
5-Donate to charity

5 places I have lived...

1-Price, UT
2-Vernal, UT
3-Price, UT (again)
4-Logan, UT
5-Price, UT (yes, again)

5 jobs I have had...

1-Sliced Ice Shack
2-CEU food services
3-the HUB at USU
4-Early Intervention
5-SLP for PCA

I tag...Brittani, Melissa, Melanie, Liz, and Jen

Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.


Anonymous said...

I love tag's because I get to know more about people...Call me next time you are in town.

Alisha Harris said...

so I don't know where I have been, but I didn't know you had a blog. Good to hear from you. When I get a minute I will call. Could be a couple of days so don't sit by your phone waiting!!

The Christians said...

Kim, I would love to talk to you again sometime. I often think of the example you were. Thank you, Brooke

Cecilee said...

Hi Kim, My blog went private. Shoot me an email and I'll send you an invite... (

Also, are you running in the Moab Marathon this year?