Still, I'm not so sure about this because my purse is currently a disgrace, and that is after kind of cleaning it out a couple of days ago. If you would have seen it before there would have been about 100 receipts, papers, lists, kid's art, gum wrappers and even some fingernails from when I trimmed my nails on the way to go snowboarding a couple of weeks ago. I know.... gross! So luckily you get to see about a third of the stuff. Oh and one more thing. I really am having a purse crisis! The strap broke, and I haven't found one that I like to replace it. I have at least three spares in boxes somewhere, but I just haven't gotten around to getting them out. I have gone shopping a couple of times, but didn't find one that I liked enough to buy. I'm very picky about my purses. The strap has to be just right, and I really like the way the pockets are on the one I have right now, so as you can see I'm pretty much too picky because I'm still lugging around a broken purse. Now if this isn't motivation to go out and search for new one I don't know what else will do it. I got a $10 gift card/coupon in the mail the other day to Penny's. Maybe they'll have one. We're heading to SLC and Price tomorrow, so I'll have to fit in some shopping. Now if I'm successful I have to post the purse again. So here it is... AHHHHHHH! I'm scaring myself:)
So now if you were to make an inventory of my purse you would find: lotion, lip gloss (juice gems) mmm..., my phone clip... where's my phone!, batteries, a plastic bag full of change, two dimes that escaped the bag, two sets of nail clippers (I swear I had three in there), gum, two rolos (Tom called one of them after I take the picture), floss, rubber bands for my braces, two reminders for my appointments (one last month/ one this month), a contact case, many paystubs, the kids and my own immunization records, a Gift "certificate" for 2 lg snow cones, some recites that didn't get thrown away, a paper that says one day Bentley asked, "Emma, why are you coloring your snowman violet-red?" and Emma's reply was, "Because I like violet-red!", a mirror, my camera (not shown), some tickets to last year's Shakespearean Festival, coupons, gift cards x5, a pen, a pencil, my checkbook and wallet, and I'm sure I missed something in there. Anyway, I feel like I've said more than anyone would even want to hear/read, whatever, so if you're still reading... there you have it:)!
I've tagged so many people lately... I now tag anyone who would like to share, "What's in your wallet" I mean purse:) Go for it! You know you want to.