Saturday, February 28, 2009

Heard a heartbeat

I had my first OB appointment yesterday. It was a nice, uneventful doctor's visit which is what I like. It was fun to hear the heartbeat for the first time because there's something about being able to hear the baby that is reassuring that everything is OK, there really is a baby in there, and I'm not just getting fat for no reason. I don't know why I'd even think that as I struggle with morning sickness and fatigue... the usually joys of pregnancy, but still, it's nice to hear.
I sometimes can't believe all the little changes that occur when you're expecting. Especially when I'm not pregnant I find myself thinking, ...emotional, tired, naw... I'm just fine when I'm pregnant. Tonight, however was a classic prego moment. The kids and I were watching high school musical III, and it actually made me tear up in a couple a places... Laugh if you will, but I honestly couldn't help it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to get up the hill

There are some things that are not so pleasant about where we are living right now. One of those would have to be the hill we have to navigate. Its not bad most of the time, but there are conditions in which its pretty difficult without four wheel drive. The times of struggle consist of when it hasn't snowed for a while, there is a slight thaw and then a freeze and we're climbing a sheet of ice. The other condition we've struggled with is when things start to melt and we're driving in slush and mud. Such was the case on today. After two attempts to get home after dance, we didn't make it, and Emma had to go potty so we stopped at a neighbor's house and then just waited for the bus to drop Bentley off. With Bentley safe with us we decided to try it again, but again we didn't make it. I was about to give up when Bentley suggested we say a prayer. He offered a very sweet, heartfelt prayer, and with me also continuing to pray that this would be a positive prayer experience we gave it another go... and We made it! It was none other than an answer to his prayer. As I drove it was almost as if it was more clear where I should drive. The thought came, stick to the mud, and it worked. Emma offered a prayer of thanks, and now whenever we go anywhere she says she's going to 'pray that we can make it up every time'.

Dance Breakthrough

Most Monday afternoons have consisted of Ali and I watching Emma dance. She was very hesitant at the beginning but has really enjoyed dancing after the adjustment of the first couple weeks. Each week she would continue to request that I come in with her and watch. Although, I'm the only Mom who stays to watch I really don't mind because it is fun to see what they're doing, Ali loves to watch and learns the dances almost as well as the girls in the class, and hey, I just don't mind. However, this week, Ali is still fighting the stomach bug, so I figured I'd better not take her in. The plan was that we'd just wait outside in the car for Emma. She was only so-so about the plan and almost burst into tears when she walked up to the door by herself and couldn't open it. I don't know if it was locked, but as soon as I got out to help, her teacher came and opened it and in she went. It was actually a really nice time in the car. Ali took a nap, and I got to read (without promptly falling asleep like I do at night) for a whole hour. Its not often I get an hour to myself. It was nice and all, but the funny part came when Emma got back. She was so proud that she had gone to dance by herself and even made the comment that she wanted me to not come in to dance anymore so that she could have some of her 'own time'. I was taken back a little; all I could say was... OK.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

RS Basketball

OK, so it probably isn't termed Relief Society Basketball, but there was a church women's basketball tournament on Friday and Saturday. I was able to go play on Friday without any problems being as Tom was home to watch the kids, however, when we won and I found out that it was a tournament and the next game would be the next morning at 10:30 am I got a little nervous about how it would all work out. It should have been simple enough, however, the following day was a ski day that Tom had been planning for a long time, and the girls had been throwing up and all the rest of the fun stuff that goes with the stomach bug for the past few days. However, they had a pretty good night with no throwing up, so I decided to chance it. It turned out to be really fun day for me. I mean how often do I get to play five on five full court... hmm... its been a while. So then, aside from fussy kids on the sidelines and Ali throwing up right before the championship game, oops, I thought the day was a success. We ended up winning the championship and now get to play again in a few weeks. I have to admit I'm excited.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Do you ever had a day were the little things just drive you crazy? There were about a zillion "little things" today. Just one however would have to be my trip to the store. Not only were the girls tired and so ready to go home, but then as we were leaving, I was positively amazed at the bagging job! Did someone really put my apples, lettuce, bread, etc. under those big heavy gallons of milk and juice? Sometimes I feel like I can either grumble, grumble, grumble or ... take a picture. Today I chose to do both. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Can't stay away

We decided to take a quick trip to Price last weekend. We drove down Sunday after church and had to come back Monday. Although it was short, it was so fun to see the fam and so worth the drive. Monday we went to the Dinosaur Museum. We've found that the key to a successful museum visit is to spend most of the time in the kid's area and not worry about seeing every single exhibit. This method made for a much more pleasant experience than some that we've had in the past. The kids had fun digging for fossils, playing with the puppets, seeing the crocodile, and playing in the teepee.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Passing it around

I wrote a while ago about how Emma had fifths disease, well it has gone the rounds. Bentley had it next, and then Ali got it as well. Add a big bruise on her chin and she looks pretty sad. She's recovering nicely however and hopefully will survive childhood. It seems like she is constantly falling down and bonking her head. Poor thing.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day! aka Number 1 or should I say FOUR!!!

I love... my hubby!
I don't think I write enough of what a fabulous husband I have, and I can't think of a better day to write about him. Valentines Day has been a special day ever since we started dating. In fact our first date was 10 years ago... today! I cannot believe it was ten years ago; time really flies.
There was a Stake Valentine Dance that my home stake was putting on, so my friend, Melanie, and I decided to ask some guys to go, so I was the one to ask Tom out first:) After that dance we started 'hanging out,' and then he graduated that May. He went home to West Valley, and it wasn't quite so easy to continue our courtship. In the fall he went up to USU, so the long distance relationship continued which was not so fun. However, he didn't give up, and we got engaged a year later to the day from our first date. That's right, Valentine's Day again. Then, we were married August of 2000, and we've been blessed ever since. In fact... we have some exciting news!!! And what better day than Valentines to share with the world (OK the three people that read this blog) but whatever:-) If you're wondering what this exciting news may be, wait no more... We're expecting number four!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Number 2

I love... a clean house.
Today I didn't much like the process, but it feels good when its done.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Number 3

I love... Cafe Rio.

I really do! And, no, love is not too strong a word in this case.

Give me a pork salad, and I'm a happy woman.
I could go off about the "best ever" salad I had today, but I won't ;)
I'll just say that... It Was Good!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Numbers 6, 5, and 4

I love... my children.

Here I am reverting back to the obvious, but you didn't think I'd make it through a week of valentine posts without mentioning the sunshine of my days.

I'll highlight each briefly:

Bentley is an adorable first grade boy, who has yet to grow back his two front teeth. He's had a bit of a rough week, as he is suffering from a cold (I think the same one I've got, poor thing). His school is doing a three week reading incentive which has Bentley, who I've mentioned before has a bit of a competitive spirit, excited to help his team win.

Here is Emma in a nutshell as of late, "There was a little girl and she had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead; when she was good she was very, very good, but when she was bad..." well, if you've heard this little nursery rhyme before, you get the idea. That's right, sometimes I ask myself where my perfect little princess has gone. No, she really is a sweet little thing, so I guess its good that she occationally lets her will be known.

The main thing that comes to mind is how much Ali has grown up the last little while. She has not only gotten big, but she's got her own thoughts and ideas, and she lets them be made known. She's started talking up a storm, and I'm amazed at all she observes, comes up with and shares. My favorite thing about her right now has got to be when spontaneously comes up to me, wraps her arms around me and says, "I love you, Mommy". It melts my heart every time, and I'm pretty sure she knows it.

I'm sure that everyone with children out there feels the same way, but I've just got to say that I don't know what I'd do with out the cute sleepy looks in the mornings, the hugs and kisses and endless questions throughout the day, the smiles, laughs and even the tears, the shared stories, songs, and all the other fun things we do together.
I love my babies!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Number 7

I love... Hymn #241
While having a little pity party for myself today, Tom, being the fabulous hubby that he is, decided to remind me of all the many blessings we've received in the eight and a half years since we were married. As we were driving as a family tonight he not only serenaded me with this fabulous hymn, but he did just what it said, "counted our blessings one by one." There are so many aspects of our lives that are nothing short of a miracle. Our families are amazingly supportive, we have three beautiful/healthy children, good educations, ... ... ... I could go on, but I'll try not to bore you too much, and I don't want to come across as boastful. I just know that the Lord guides our lives. While writing this, the poem about the Master Weaver came to mind. With the amazing power of the internet, I was able to find it in all of about five seconds, so I'll share it. Considering all things, I don't know how appropriate it is right now. Really, we've got it pretty good. Still, I think it is always good to remember who is really running the show.

The Plan Of The Master Weaver

Our lives are but fine weavings,
That God and we prepare,
Each life becomes a fabric planned
And fashioned in His care.
We may not always see just how
The weavings intertwine,
But we must trust the Master’s hand
And follow His design,
For He can view the pattern
From the upper side,
While we must look from underneath
And trust in Him to guide.

Sometimes a strand of sorrow
Is added to His plan,
And though it’s difficult for us,
We still must understand
That it’s He who fills the shuttle,
It’s He who knows what’s best,
So we must weave in patience
And leave to Him the rest…

Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why—
The dark threads are as needed
In the Weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Number 8

I love... family time.
It is so nice sometimes to just be together as a family. Crowds are great and all, but sometimes I just ache for a quite evening with just our fam. We were able to enjoy one tonight, and it was heavenly. We made a yummy dinner of baked veges. and chicken, but while it was cooking we decided to make a couple of appetizers: homemade fries, sauteed mushrooms, apples... Needless to say no one ate their actual dinner very well. Oh well, we had fun, and it was a little bit of heaven on earth.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Number 9

I love... my Mom. I feel so lucky to have the best Mom in the entire world. For all of you who feel the same way... sorry, my Mom takes the cake. We were able to spend a couple of days with her this week, and she basically just spoiled us all rotten. We laugh that the kids go through "Grandma withdrawals" whenever we have to come home after a visit. A perfect example would be today while I was loading the dish washer. Ali came up and started putting her fingers in the soapy water and then putting them in her mouth, ick. I told her the dishes were dirty and the water was yucky and to stop etc. She turned and said, "I want Grandma (bama)" Then she said, "Grandma nice".
I couldn't argue. She is really nice.
Emma is often saying similar things... If I say no (usually to silly little things like we're not drinking from straws tonight), she'll say, "Grandma lets me" I have a hard time knowing whether to growl or smile.
Not only is she a great Grandma, but I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her just a phone call away. She is the best listener. While growing up, without fail, if I ever went against the advice she gave I regretted it. I still highly respect her opinions and often seek them out before making big decisions.
Thanks Mom for all you do! Love you lots! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Count down to Heart Day... Number 10

Valentine's Day is coming quickly, so I've decided to do a countdown. Ten things I love. I thought about a top ten list, but I don't think it will be that. Just ten random things based on what I'm thinking about and feeling like each day.
I love... exercise.
I don't think I need to say much more (refer to my other post today if you want more detain:)

Should I feel guilty?

Bases on behavior similar to that depicted in the last post as well as the fact that I haven't been working out consistently... I think I've increased in mass over the last few weeks. With that said (its my justification) I did something tonight that I haven't done for a long time. I pampered my self! How might you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I went to the gym! Thats right, I spent three hours working out tonight, and I am feeling so much better! On the way home I called my sis and we were talking about how we like to pamper ourselves every now and again. Me? I'm not a go the spa and get a massage type of girl. Let me work out hard and then end with an hour of yoga and I'm happy as a clam. Luckily I have a fabulous husband who took over the parenting responsibilities tonight, so that when I got home all kids had been fed, helped with homework, and put to bed! Pampering really doesn't get much better than that. Now, the only problem is, "How do I not feel guilty?" I need some pampering now and again, right?