Thursday, February 5, 2009

Should I feel guilty?

Bases on behavior similar to that depicted in the last post as well as the fact that I haven't been working out consistently... I think I've increased in mass over the last few weeks. With that said (its my justification) I did something tonight that I haven't done for a long time. I pampered my self! How might you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I went to the gym! Thats right, I spent three hours working out tonight, and I am feeling so much better! On the way home I called my sis and we were talking about how we like to pamper ourselves every now and again. Me? I'm not a go the spa and get a massage type of girl. Let me work out hard and then end with an hour of yoga and I'm happy as a clam. Luckily I have a fabulous husband who took over the parenting responsibilities tonight, so that when I got home all kids had been fed, helped with homework, and put to bed! Pampering really doesn't get much better than that. Now, the only problem is, "How do I not feel guilty?" I need some pampering now and again, right?

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