Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful for ... Day 20

Today I'm thankful for deadlines. This might sound silly or boring, but hey, I really am...
I'm working on not putting things off all the time, but it's something I'm endlessly fighting with. I can procrastinate things for weeks, but give me a deadline, and I can really crank out the work. In grad school when I would have to sign up for presentations and projects I would try to sign up for one of the first dates because knowing myself I'd just put it off until it was due. My logic was if I made it due sooner it would be finished that much faster. I can't tell you how many times I do things mentally before I actually do them. Sometimes I just want to say to myself, "Get it done!"
Still, deadlines are the one way that I find I become my most efficient self. It's especially hard being a mom and trying to get "extra" stuff done because there is ALWAYS something else that needs to be done. Enough of my rambling already.
Short and sweet. Yeah for deadlines.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I agree with you on this. I have always worked better under pressure. It's like I secretly love the stress...
Also, your kids are adorable!