Tom recently set up a facebook profile for me on which I've been able to connect with some people that I've lost contact with. One of which I was able to connect through her blog as well. She had the great idea of posting something she's thankful for each day in November leading up to Thanksgiving. I've decided to follow suit. I think that it will be a really great thing to concentrate on what I'm thankful for being as I've been feeling pretty crummy during the last few days. I'm already five days behind, so I've decided to start with a catch-up post by listing five at once and then hopefully I'll be consistent enough to list one a day until Turkey Day.
November 1st
I'm thankful for my fantastic husband who is so supportive, loving, patient and of course "kind, sweet, and wonderful" to me.
November 2nd
I'm thankful for my baby boy! He is seven now, but I'm so grateful for him everyday. I know that he was meant to join our family when he did and has been a blessing ever since. He is so smart and energetic, and he is even a little competitive (little being an understatement, and I can't imagine where he gets it from;). I just love that little boy and can not believe how fast he is growing up.
November 3rd
I'm thankful for my Emma Lou. She is the sunshine of my day; she is so sensitive and observant to everything and everyone around her. I love the things she says, and the way she talks. For example:
Today (11/5/08) while I was changing Ali, she came into the room and the conversation went like this:
Emma: Was Ali poopie?
Me: Yes, very.
Emma: Did she have great big poopies?
Me: Yes.
Emma: (holding her arms out as wide as she could) Where they this big?
Me: (Playing along) Yes.
Emma: Where they as big as a giraffe's neck?!?
Me: (Not being able to contain my laughter and wanting to see what she'd say next) Yes.
Emma: They should have gone in the potty.
November 4th
I'm thankful for my Ali Bear. She is such a joy. I'm so thankful everyday that she is growing learning and doing so well. She had a slow start, but you could never tell that now. She is smart, social, and loves to be a part of whatever her brother and sister are doing, I ofter hear, "me too, me too". She calls Bentley, Guy, and Emma is Emmie. It makes me smile every time I hear it.
November 5th
I'm thankful for Prayers. I know that we have a Father in Heaven that hears us when we pray, and answers when we ask. I don't know why I have a hard time asking as times, because when I do ask in faith, my prayers are always answered. Today, I had a problem and kept doubting if I'd receive an answer, but once again when it came right down to it, the answer was there clear as clear. I'm also thankful for a wonderful Mother who reminds me of this and many more important things. I am truly blessed to have such wise direction and council from both earthly and heavenly sources.
Mom's Final Wish: Timpanogos
5 months ago
That was sweet...and a great Idea!
I'm glad someone else is doing it too! For fhe last monday we talked about graditude. so every night before they go to bed the kids have to tell me something they were thankful for during the day. I write them down and put them in a 'thankful jar'. then before we eat thanksgiving dinner I'll read them to the kids to remind them of what they are/were thankful for. Well that is the plan. we are at ben's parents for thanksgiving so I need to clear it with ben's mom.:]
Emma's little poopie story is too funny. Sorry I haven't really blogged (looked at other's blogs) in months. I've been catching up all night and now I am so ready for bed. I can barely read the words on the screen anymore. :)
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